Submission Preparation Checklist

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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • According to OASPA and COPE, please disclose author's contribution, funding and possible conflict of interest between author's.
  • We kindly inform you that the publication fee is obligatory for the articles published in Polimery journal. Cost of publication of the article is 700 Euro.
  • Please send us the statement that appears at the bottom in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
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Author Guidelines

The „Polimery” journal publishes original research, scientific and technical papers, reviews and messages in the field of chemistry, technology and processing of polymers, caoutchouc, rubber, chemical fibers, paints and lacquers, environmental protection and computer modeling of chemical processes. Each paper is subject to a review by at least two reviewers (the review procedure is described in the web site


Authors are asked to enclose with the submitted paper a statement that it has been neither published nor submitted for publication in any other domestic and abroad magazine.

Articles in "Polimery" are published under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence, which means that they can be freely shared provided that the authorship is retained, there is no commercial use and there are no changes in the content. Authors who publish in "Polimery" transfer copyrights to the publisher.

Publishing of a paper describing experimental works requires sending to the Editorial Office the consent for publication by the manager of the institution employing the Author.

In order to prevent cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship it is required to send to the Editorial Office a statement concerning participation of individual authors in preparation of the paper and declaring its financing source.

One can be listed as an author in a manuscript if the authorship criteria are met:

  • made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, data acquisition, or analysis/interpretation of the study,
  • drafted the manuscript or revised it critically for important intellectual content,
  • have seen and approved the final version of the paper and agreed to its submission for publication.

All persons who made substantial contributions to the work reported in the manuscript, but who do not meet the criteria for authorship must not be listed as an author, but should be acknowledged in the "Acknowledgements" section.

If the submitted paper contains illustrations or other copyright protected materials, Authors are obliged to obtain prior consent in writing by the first publisher to use it, to cover related costs and to make reference to the original source of the materials included in the paper.

After a preliminary assessment by the Editorial Office and acceptance of the subject of the paper as compliant with the profile of the magazine, the paper is forwarded to further publishing stages.

The Authors are responsible for the substantive contents of the paper. The Editorial Office reserves them the right to make abridging, editorial modifications and to introduce necessary changes in terminology.

The Authors are obliged to proofread the submitted paper and return it within 48 hours from the moment they received the text. After this time, if authors do not submit their correction, the article will be published in its current form.

If the work involves chemicals, procedures or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, the authors must clearly identify these in the manuscript. If the work involves the use of animals or human participants, the authors should ensure that all procedures were performed in compliance with relevant laws and institutional guidelines and that the appropriate institutional committee(s) has approved them; the manuscript should contain a statement to this effect.

Authors should also include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained for experimentation with human participants. The privacy rights of human participants must always be observed.

More information can be found:


The Editorial Office kindly asks to get thoroughly acquainted with the information contained in this point, as in the case of gross disagreement with the herein included guidelines the paper shall not be accepted for further stages of the editorial process and shall be returned to the Authors. 

General requirements

Papers in English (title, abstract and keywords in Polish or English) shall be prepared in MS Word files. Text figures and reaction schemes shall be contained in separate files. The text shall be written with Times New Roman font, 12 points, double line spacing and margins (left 4 cm and right 1.5 cm).  Longer texts should be divided by the Authors into logically separate pieces, to be printed in subsequent issues of the journal.

The manuscript must contain first name and family name of the Author (Authors) along with exact business address and e-mail address (in case of collective works please select one Author for correspondence).

Please provide ORCID numbers ( for the authors of the article (if they have).

Papers constituting literature reviews should contain elaboration of the presented subject matter, including possibly exhaustive set of world publications. The text should be divided into parts and possibly also chapters and subchapters constituting finite entireties.

In the case of papers concerning experimental studies the following order should be kept: the aim of the work, experimental part (description of materials: trade name, manufacturer, country; processes; testing methods and equipment used: type, manufacturer, country), results and their discussion, conclusions, and reference index.


Abstracts in both English and Polish (up to 500 characters) shall include basic information concerning the content of the paper.

Units and symbols

In the paper there shall be used SI units. Polymer names should be substituted with international letter symbols, explained after the first usage.


Tables, marked with consecutive numerals, shall be placed in the text of the article.

Mathematical equations

Mathematical equations (prepared using MS Word equation editor) marked with consecutive Arabic numerals, shall be placed in the text, each in a new line. Symbols used in equations should have the same size and style as the surrounding text.

Chemical formulas and equations

Chemical formulas and equations shall be marked with consecutive Latin letters (e.g. Scheme A). They shall be written with ChemWin program, Times New Roman font, 9 pt, in sub/superscripts 7 pt, bonds 2 mm long).

If the equation breadth exceeds the column breadth (8.8 cm) it shall be broken into separate lines at the arrow or plus character and equations impossible to break shall be drawn through both columns (max. 18.2 cm). Line spacing shall be 4 mm.

Chemical equations shall be marked with consecutive Roman numerals.

Figures (schemes, photographs and graphs)

Width of figures shall not exceed 8.8 cm and only in justified cases – 18.2 cm. They shall be embedded in Word documents in the text of the article and send in separate files in original format (preferred formats: Excel, CorelDraw X5 or lowerAdobe Illustrator, EPS).

Please also send photos in separate files (JPEG, TIFF), propertly described. Resolution of photographs shall be min. 300 dpi.

To prepare graphs please use Excel applications. The graphs area shall be framed and may contain uncondensed auxiliary grid. Frame and grid lines shall be 0.5 pt thick and data plots 1 pt thick. Axes description shall include the name of the presented variable (starting with upper case letter) and unit of measure, separated with comma.

Descriptions contained in schemes, photographs and graphs shall have font Times New Roman 9 pt.

Figures captions shall be placed separately at the end of the paper (after the tables).



References shall be numbered in the order of the first reference in the paper. Each item shall be composed according to the following examples.

A paper in a magazine

[Item No] Family name of the 1st author, given name initials with dots, family name of the 2nd author, given name initials with dots etc.: when there are more than three authors, add et al.: full magazine name (italics),  index year of issue (bold) , volume No (italics),  first page number. (optionally, comma separated, DOI No, if it was assigned).


[l] Gaina C., Gaina V., Sara M. et al..: Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry 1997, A 34, 2525.

[2] Krijgsman J., Feijen J., Gaymans R. J.: Polymer 2004, 45, 4677.

[3] Nam Ch.K., Yong T.K., Sung W.N. et al.: Polymer Bulletin 2013, 70, 23,

A book

[Item No] Family name of the 1st author, given name initials with dots, Family name of the 2nd author, given name initials with dots etc.: “Full title of the book in the original language” (1st editor family name, given name initials, 2nd editor family name, given name initials etc.) publisher, place and year of issue, page number.


[1] Lenz R: “Organic chemistry of synthetic high polymers”, Interscience Publishers, John Wiley and Sons, New York, London, Sydney 1967, p. 742.

[2] Szymański R: “Equilibrium Copolymerization in Ring-Opening Polymerization” in "Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference”, Volume 4, (editor Matyjaszewski K., Möller M.), Elsevier BV, Amsterdam 2012, p. 51.

A patent or patent application

[Item No] Pat. Abbreviated country name Number (year).


[1] Pat. Jap. 1 135 663 (1989).

[2] Pat. Eur. 330 400 (1989).

[3] Pat. USA 1 334 890 (1971).

[4] Pat. Appl. Pol. 393 092 (2010).

Conference materials

[Item No] Family name of the 1st author, given name initials with dots, Family name of the 2nd author, given name initials with dots etc.: “Full title of the paper in the original language” Materials from Conference name, place, date, page No.


[1] Kapelski D., Slusarek B., Jankowski B., Karbowiak M, Przybylski M.: “Powder magnetic circuits in electric machines”, Materials from 14th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Istanbul, Turkey, June 13–16, 2011, p. 43.

Web sites

[Item No] Web address (access date


[1] (access date 12.11.2013)


The Original papers, in English only (about 4 typewritten
pages as described above and containing possibly
2–3 figures or 1–2 tables). A fast path of printing (about 2-3
months since the date of receipt by the Editorial Office).