Published : 2022-09-01

Research, standardization and practice in accelerated ageing tests


The increasing use of polymers in various technological environments requires understanding of the degradation phenomena and ultimately controlling them. Questions associated with performance, cost, durability and environmental effects are closely related to each other and must be answered before the industry and the consumers can adopt new materials. Often, the use of accelerated ageing tests constitutes the only possibility to produce measurable degradation and the desired materials assessment. However, prediction of service life, especially for materials expected to perform reliably for many decades, is a continuing challenge, which contains many pitfalls. In this paper, examples of the many years' work with accelerated ageing tests and lifetime predictions carried out at SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute are used to demonstrate some problems and pitfalls that can be met with in practice. Some examples are also given on insufficient information in international standards for ageing tests. Special attention is given to prediction of service life with one data point only as well as the influence of different previous history, different environments and different evaluation methods on lifetime prediction. Other examples concern the use of high stress levels and physical depletion of stabilizers.





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Jakubowicz, I. (2022). Research, standardization and practice in accelerated ageing tests. Polimery, 49(5), 321–326. Retrieved from