Published : 2011-01-30

Chemical adsorption of liquid organochlorine compounds as a method of purification of pyrolytic oil


In this work, a new method of purification of pyrolytic oil from organochlorine compounds with silver or platinum adsorbents was proposed and tested. The experiments carried out at temperatures from 20 up to 200 °C have shown that chosen for studies organochlorine compounds were well adsorbed from the prepared solutions. Eminently respectable results were found for silver adsorbent. A high initial cost of such adsorbents mandates their regeneration. It has been shown that it is possible to clear the adsorbent surface with hydrogen at the temperature 300-350 °C. A residue on the surface (after several cycles of adsorption/regeneration) can be burned with air.





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German, K., Pawlikowska, E., & Kulesza, K. (2011). Chemical adsorption of liquid organochlorine compounds as a method of purification of pyrolytic oil. Polimery, 56(1), 67-69. Retrieved from