Published : 2022-08-18

Selected problems of precision injection molding. Part II. Factors influencing the quality of precise moldings


In the literature review the precise injection molding is presented (Fig. 6) as a process realized in a working system consisting of the following elements: man-operator, injection mold (Fig. 1-3), injection molding machine, injection method, injection parameters (Table 1) and the type of polymer. The effects of all the factors on the final quality of moldings obtained and its repeatability were discussed in detail. The material structure, mechanical properties and other functional features, weight, shrinkage (Fig. 4 and 5), stress state and accuracy of dimensions of molding were taken into account.




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Bociąga, E., Jaruga, T., & Sikora, R. (2022). Selected problems of precision injection molding. Part II. Factors influencing the quality of precise moldings. Polimery, 54(7-8), 522–529. Retrieved from