Published : 2022-09-19

Methamorphosis of Voronoi polyhedra as a definite measure of the elastic-to-dissipative atomic displacement transition


The present method allows to describe the structure of non-crystalline and crystalline solids by constructing a Voronoi diagram. The method gives a detailed structural information about individual atoms and their surroundings. The deformation and methamorphosis of the Voronoi polyhedron is described for an interstitial atom in an fee crystal; an associated criterion is given for the elastic-to-anelastic transition. An extension of the idea to include amorphous materials is indicated. Voronoi tessellation has been applied in the fields of materials science, physics and chemistry.




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Stachurski, Z., & Brostow, W. (2022). Methamorphosis of Voronoi polyhedra as a definite measure of the elastic-to-dissipative atomic displacement transition. Polimery, 46(5), 302–306. Retrieved from