Published : 2012-04-30

Polymeric self-assemblies as drug delivery systems


The paper is a literature review concerning the polymers capable of macromolecular self-assembly — an interesting group of materials possessing diverse properties, which found various, especially medical applications, as controlled release drug delivery systems. Spontaneous assembly of macromolecules in solutions leads to the formation of various structural forms such as micelles, micro/nanospheres or polymersomes, as a result of the presence of weak bonds and interactions, i.e. hydrogen bonds as well as van der Waals, electrostatic or hydrophobic interactions, between specific parts of macromolecules. Selected structural patterns formed by self-assembly of macromolecules in organic and aqueous solutions were presented. The polymers capable of forming self-assembled structures, methods of their synthesis as well as the examples of medical applications as drug delivery systems have been described.





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El Fray, M., & Gajowy, J. (2012). Polymeric self-assemblies as drug delivery systems. Polimery, 57(4), 257–265. Retrieved from